Zest Pets
The insurer on a mission to make pets healthier and happier
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Because what you really want is for your pet to be healthy
About Us

Who we are

Zest Pets is a Vet-run pet wellness and insurance brand who work with you to help you to keep your pets healthy.

Our mission is to create healthier and happier pets.

We also provide comprehensive lifetime insurance policies for when things do go wrong.

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How we're different

Personally tailored advice

Despite advances in veterinary medicine, preventable diseases are becoming increasingly common. Pets are suffering unnecessarily.

The future of pet health care lies in prevention but with no centralised body like the NHS someone needs to take the lead. So we decided to step in.

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Why you should choose Zest Pets

Comprehensive Lifetime cover

Simple, transparent & fair products. We aim to ensure that you really can't go wrong.

Personalised advice

Rewards for engaging with extensive wellness information that's tailored to your pet.

Discounts on trackers

Activity trackers. With rewards for your pet maintaining an appropriate activity level.

Pet health expertise

Our CEO qualified as a Vet at Cambridge as well as having extensive insurance experience


Efficient online sales. Empathetic claims handlers. Fast/efficient claims payments.

Free online Vet consults

Available 365-24-7 plus a host of other great features via our new user friendly App.

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